Examples of files executed by the firm

Individual taxation Retout à la table des matières

- Contestation of tax adjustments regarding the values of assets declared in a wealth tax form (“ISF”)

- Contestation of tax adjustments concerning the deductibility of sums paid after a divorce judgment

- Calculation of tax issues and optimisation of a divorce agreement

- Assistance and contestation of tax adjustments concerning sums which are considered as hidden taxable income by the tax authorities

- Contestation of tax adjustments concerning real estate capital gains (calculation of delays, validity of deductions…)

- Optimisation of tax declarations including various income sources the year of a marriage

- Contestation of tax adjustments regarding the tax exemption of sums paid by international organisations to translators

- Contestation of tax adjustments concerning the deduction of construction and improvement expenses related to real estate assets

- Assistance in tax form declaration (income tax, wealth tax, land income, dividends, capital gains…)

Company and Managers taxation Retout à la table des matières

- Contestation of tax adjustments regarding the deduction of expenses by a company

- Optimisations of compensations and sums paid to a company director

- Contestation of tax adjustments regarding the recording of provisions by a company

- Contestation of tax adjustments regarding the depreciation of specific assets

- Contestation of tax adjustments regarding the option to record an asset as a charge and not as a fixed asset

- Contestation of tax adjustments in connection with the “3% tax” applicable on real estate owned by a foreign company

- Recuperation of VAT refund for foreign companies

- Study for a businessman regarding the choice of his tax and legal status in consideration of his specific situation

- Assistance to a foreign resident after a tax audit which challenged his foreign residency. After a full audit of the family and business situation, the explanations provided allowed him to avoid a French taxation.

- Contestation of tax adjustments regarding the taxation of sums considered as hidden income

International taxation Retout à la table des matières

- Contestation regarding the questionning by the tax authorities of a taxpayer’s foreign residency

- Contestation of tax adjustments regarding a withholding tax applied to services rendered by companies located abroad to French clients

- Optimisation of sums paid to a French resident from foreign sources

- Optimisation of sums paid within a company group

- Assistance to establish foreign residency

- Tax declaration assistance to sportsmen and artists for performances in France

Legal practice Retout à la table des matières

- Creation of companies (choice of structure, draft of articles of association…)

- Legal documentation (general meetings, increase and decrease of share capital, change of directors, transfer of head office, shares issue etc…)

- Share purchase agreements, and representations and warranties agreements

- Family office

- Shareholders agreements

- Business transfer agreements

- Loan agreements

- Distribution agreements

- Joint venture agreements

- Confidentiality agreements

- Patent and trademark agreements

- Management fees agreements

- Lease agreements

- Employment contracts

- Civil and commercial litigation